British Airways Objective of our Study For the purpose of the Analysis of fiscal Statements, I as analysts approach with an investment finding-making scenario, wherein I cod to analyze the financial statements of British Airways a listed company for the year ended 2008, 2007 and 2006. In this make-up I am personnel casualty to work on British Airways. for the same and support my decision through the forthcoming financial-analysis. Limitations to our Study My written report is essentially based on tuition derived from secondary sources, much(prenominal) as British Airways Annual-Report (2008, 2007 and 2006), periodicals and business literature. Lack of primary in remainsation can be seen as a factor adding intrinsic bias to our report. due(p) to time-constraints and the restricted scope of our study, I was otiose to conduct a detailed cross-sectional analysis, and hence, only structured those financial-ratios that I judged would root on the investment-decisio n. British ?irw?ys Th? pr?d?c?ssor of British ?irw?ys w?s Imp?ri?l ?irw?ys - ? coloni?l instrum?nt, which splicing?d th? British ?mpir?. From this ?volv?d th? British Ov?rs??s ?irw?ys Corpor?tion (BO?C), which w?s m?rg?d with British ?urop??n ?irw?ys (B??) to cr??t? British ?irw?ys. ?v?n ?ft?r priv?tis?tion, British ?irw?ys r?t?in?d th? im?g? of b?ing r?s?rv?d, prof?ssion?l ?nd institute?l. ??ch y??r, British ?irw?ys tr?nsports 40 million consum?rs to 162 d?stin?tions.

Sixty p?rc?nt of th? firms busin?ss origin?t?s ov?rs??s. In th? nin? months ?nding D?c?mb?r 31, 1997, British ?irw?ys d?cl?r?d r?v?nu?s of $11 billion (US), including $763.8 million f! rom c?rgo op?r?tion. This r?sult?d in n?t incom? of $854.3 million, pl?cing British ?irw?ys ?mong th? most profit?bl? ?irlin?s in th? human (s?? T?bl? I). In 1998, th? habitual limit?d comp?ny h?d 60,000 ?mploy??s, up from 35,000 in 1983. ?n ov?rvi?w of th? industry Th? ?irlin? industry h?s und?rgon? signific?nt r?structuring in r?c?nt y??rs. ?irlin?s, form?rly riv?ls in ? highly r?gul?t?d industry, h?v? b?com?... If you want to get a satisfactory essay, order it on our website:
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